Oh! No more 80 please!!!

You probably know that, I am working in a night market every week now. (no??? mmm.... you have two choice: 1, being killed by me; 2, go to my diary and have a look please) I have no car, so I need someone to drive me home.

Sometimes one of my friends' brother will drive us (my friends and I) home, and...

Well, that was the first night to work in the market, "S"'s brother came to pick us up. Then of course he drove, but in the speed 80km/hr (the max speed in that area should be 60, at most 70). Yeah, cos I think he is an adult now, nothing "could" happen...

Oh ho, the scary thing is coming now. There was a car passing through us, and it had a "P" sign on (that means the driver just got the car licence for less than three months), then my friend asked her bro, "Where is your "P" sign?" Oh, what?????????? He just got his car licence????? And drive at the speed 80km/h at night??? No way!!!


Unfortunately, I can't do anything about this (cos I need ppls to pick me back home), i can just pray for not having any car crash (being crash or crashed somebody, whatever...)...

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Ghost Busters... yoh ho!!!